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Founder, Toldot Yeshurun Parshat Bo (“Come”) describes the last three plagues that befell Egypt: locusts, total darkness, and the death of the
In Parshat Va'eira, Hashem speaks to Moshe. The pasuk states, "Va’eira el Avraham el Yitzchak ve’el Yaakov"—Hashem told Moshe that He appeared to
The Miracle
of Wheat
The Gemara in Taanit (24b) recounts the story of Elazar (Ish Birta): Whenever the gabba’ei tzedakah (charity collectors) saw
The Gemarah learns from the pasuk “Lo Yamushu Mipikha Umipi Zarakha Umipi Zera Zarakha Meata Vead Olam” that if three generations of Torah can
In the words of Mr. Nissim Tajir, “Mishpachat Kaikov gave three treasures to Klal Yisrael: Rav Yaakov Kaikov, Rav Chizkiyahu Kaikov, and Rav Elazar
In the city of Karmina (Navayee) lived Mula Haim (Haimoff), a well-respected rav and community leader. However, Rav Haim always aspired to live in
I remember hearing about an interesting custom of some New York Jewish families to keep small rocks from Jerusalem in a cup for display in the house
The following is a short parable/ story I wrote. It explores the weight of our choices and also depicts the sometimes-latent human strength that
The days of awe are marked by judgment, but how do I prove that I have free choice? You may say that you know you have choice because you have the
Chazaq’s Yaldeinu program continues to make a significant impact on the lives of children, offering an array of engaging and educational
Assemblywoman Nily Rozic, representing Fresh Meadows, recently hosted a vital roundtable discussion with the New York State Office of Mental Health
Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz announced the closure of an unlicensed cannabis shop operating at 103-17 Queens Boulevard in Forest Hills
Peter Koo, Fransisco Moya, Barry Grodenchik, and Rory Lancman – of City Council Districts 20, 21, 23, and 24, respectively – all won fairly easily
According to an email sent out by MTT late Tuesday night, the Mesivta has just signed to make Shaare Tova on Lefferts Blvd. in Kew Gardens their new
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ABA’s Mission
The ABA was established in 2016 with a mission of uniting the