You are about to read a powerful tale that my chavrusah, Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Blinder, heard from Rav David Yosef shlita during a visit to Miami.
Never Give Up
How would you feel if you spent your entire life working on an important project only to have it torn away in a flash? Rebbe Akiva put all his
Pesach: It’s All About Hakaras Hatov
So what’s on your 'To Do List' for the next few days? Shopping, cleaning, cooking, packing? All of the above?
As we rapidly approach Pesach, we are
The Source of Real Shalom
We are constantly looking for happy, peaceful, harmonious relationships. Sometimes those associations come easily, and other times are more
Inspiring Insights For Your Seder Night
Wine on the Seder Night… Really?
Pesach is a spiritual time, where we connect to some of the deepest themes of Judaism. Why then do we spend the
Rav Ilan Meirov Visits Gedolei Hador With New Sefer
New Volume Of Pri Ilan On The Ben Ish Chai Available Worldwide
Rabbi Ilan Meirov dedicates his time overseeing Chazaq’s life-changing programs as
Using “Ispandud/Esfand” Plant to Remove The Evil Eye
The esfand (or Espand) plant, known as Peganum harmala, is widely used in Bucharian (and other Middle Eastern) Jewish households as