This coming Friday marks the fast of Asarah Be’Tevet, established on the day when Nevuchadnetzar first laid siege to the holy city of Yerushalayim, a siege that ultimately led to the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash.
Parshat Mikeitz: The Brothers’ Betrayal: Lessons from Yosef’s Sale into Slavery
Why did Yosef's brothers sell him? How could the sons of Yaakov, disciples of righteous teachings, commit such a terrible act?
The Torah offers
Parshat Vayigash: Yosef’s Economic Vision: A Fair System in a Time of Famine
Parshat Vayigash concludes with an account of how Yosef managed the famine in Egypt, a time of great economic and social upheaval.
Yaakov's Struggle And The Legacy Of Yisrael: Lessons for Today
Yaakov returns to his native land. Here, he will meet with his twin brother Eisav—and Yaakov has every reason to believe that Eisav wants to kill