Parashat Ki Tavo, When You Come begins with the commandment about the first fruits of the seven species of plants for which Eretz Yisrael is famous, and about a special text that we must recite when we bring them to the Temple. The Torah then indicates when we are obliged to give away what is
Torah As The Medium Of Revelation
We experience life through the medium of time. Each new moment brings with it new opportunities as we ascend through the journey of time. Amidst the
From Servitude To Freedom: The Jewish People’s Existence Throughout History
Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, describes the scene of shattered glass that blanketed the streets as the windows of Jewish-owned homes
Guarding The Mitzvot
Upon his return to Eretz Yisroel, Yaakov Avinu sends a peace-making message to his hostile brother, Eisav. He begins the message saying, “I lived