In this week’s Parsha, the biggest miracle that ever occurred, the splitting of the Red Sea, is mentioned. Two questions: Firstly, why is this considered to be the biggest or most awesome miracle that Hashem ever performed? What made it so unique? Secondly, during this whole episode, you will never
Free Choice In Business
Does a person have a choice when he is faced with awkward business dilemmas? What is the right way to act in these situations?
“And I Will harden
The Correct Approach To Happiness
Yaakov changed only one word when he repeated Eisav’s words, but from that word you can learn a whole new perception of reality.
After 22 years of
Eisav’s “Weariness”
This week’s Torah reading focuses on the gulf that existed between Yaakov and Eisav, as became apparent in the sale of Eisav’s firstborn rights to