During one of my visits to Eretz Yisroel a few years ago, I was getting ready to shave before Shabbat. Although my shaver was wired for American outlets, I had purchased a bunch of converters that would enable my devices to work in Israeli outlets as well. I plugged the shaver into the converter

A noted therapist once quipped that the best psychologists are not doing private consultations or helping people on an individual basis. Rather, they

It was definitely one of the most unique gifts I ever received. Since it was given to me, I am hardly ever apart from it. This may sound funny, but

I’m sure it’s happened to almost everyone at one time or another. You’re sitting at some sort of reception or simcha talking with a friend, when you

Last week on Simchat Torah, I was asked to lain a few ‘rounds’ of Parshas V’zot Haberacha, to help ensure that every man and boy received an aliyah

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