Pesach: The Foundation Of Our Faith

Rabbi's Thoughts
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A beautiful story told is about a grandfather who brought a huge gift wrapped box to the Seder table. The family patriarch explained to his children and grandchildren that inside this box lay the key to the continuity of the Jewish people. He held the package high and announced, “The future of klal Yisrael is right here inside this box.” His family eagerly questioned, “Zaidie, what is it, what is it?” The elderly gentleman responded, “I will show you when the Seder begins.”

The grandchildren were all anxiously anticipating the reveal. What could possibly be the future for the Jewish nation and be right at their table nestled under the wrapping paper and big bow?

Right after kiddush, the Zaidie asked his grandchildren if they could lift up the box. They all quickly hurried over, raised the mysterious box and found a giant mirror standing there. As all the children were looking directly into the mirror everyone at that table understood Zeide's message. The key to the future of our beautiful heritage is the children themselves since the continuity of klal Yisrael’s rich mesorah is held within the next generation.

Pesach and specifically the nights of the Seder are times to elevate our families in the foundation of Yiddishkeit, namely, emunah. The same way a construction team cannot erect a building without a foundation; so too Judaism cannot continue without the rock solid foundation that Hashem used to create and maintain our world.

The Ramban, at the end of Parshat Bo, tells that it is for this reason that there are so many mitzvot throughout the year that are “zecher l'yetziat Mitzrayim'' for the purpose of remembering the exodus of Egypt. It was at that time period that Hashem showed the entire world his existence; his incredible power was witnessed by all. Hakadosh Baruch Hu turned nature upside down, turning water into blood. Even fruit juice and water used to produce mortar turned to blood. Hashem brought all types of wild animals from across the universe into Egypt to attack. Each animal was surrounded by the climates they were accustomed to, enhancing their comfort thereby creating a more fierce attack. Hashem brought hail where fire and water coexisted within the same stone. Our Creator wiped out every first born from each household at exactly the same moment. Through Hashem revealing his control over every detail of nature, every kofer, denier of G-d, saw undeniable evidence that the Divine Power’s presence is genuine. This was affirmative confirmation to all that He is the creator of the world, and is directly involved in all within its midst to the very last detail.

At the Seder, we must discuss in detail with our families the incredible miracles Hashem performed in Mitzrayim, highlighting His intricate involvement in each step. The Seder nights are evenings to build on our faith and help our loved ones clearly comprehend that Hashem and only He guides every aspect of our lives.

When it comes to telling the story on the night of the Seder we say, “V'chol ha’marbeh l'saper yetzi'at Mitzrayim harei zeh meshubach." Translated as the more that one discusses the story of Mitzrayim, one is engrossed in a praiseworthy action.

However, I saw in the name of Rav Elya Lopian a stunning thought. Perhaps the pasuk means the more that an individual talks about the story in Egypt, discussing the nuances of the incredible miracles that happened during yetziat Mitzrayim, the more that individual will build up their faith and recognition in the Ribbono Shel Olam existing and running the world. Now, harei zeh meshubach; that individual becomes a praiseworthy member of society who has truly grown in their faith. This person has obtained a deeper recognition that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is in charge of everything in their midst. Moving forward, this individual’s entire perception of the world is going to be with the mindset that Hashem controls every detail, and is the only one orchestrating our lives. This understanding is the basis for all of yahadut, Judaism.

With the Pesach Seder days away, let’s get ready to give over the message of emunah as we prepare to inspire our families in the understanding that without any doubt Hashem is real. B'ezrat Hashem with that chinuch, education, we will truly secure the future existence of the Jewish nation.

I wish my amazing readers a chag kasher v'sameach..

Rabbi Yaakov Moskowitz is a motivational speaker who has inspired Jews around the world through his engaging lectures and videos on a wide array of practical Jewish topics. To receive Rabbi Moskowitz’s short clips, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..