Our Own Way

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Allow me to describe a normal everyday scene inside the home of Rav Chaim Kanievstky zt”l. This comes from the book, Inside Their Homes, which describes real-life encounters between a Reb Binyamin and various great Torah personalities.

There are thirty people waiting in the room outside. I’m standing next to Rav Chaim and watching his every move in general. When it comes to speaking with Rav Chaim, there isn’t much privacy. The first person comes on line, and says, “I’m married for seven years and we still haven’t had children yet.” Rav Chaim says, “You should fulfill the mitzvah of shiluach ha’ken, sending the mother bird away.” The man says thank you and leaves. Another five people came. Later on, a man walks in with the same heartbreaking story. He’s been married for several years and he doesn’t have kids.

Reb Binyamin, who was observing these encounters was waiting for Rav Chaim to give the same advice as he gave before: perform the mitzvah of shiluach ha’ken. But, that wasn’t the case. “Do you do havdalah after Shabbat with wine or grape juice?” came the question asked by Rav Chaim. The man replied, “Grape juice.” “From now on,” Rav Chaim said, “perform the mitzvah using wine.” Ten additional people entered for various blessings and good wishes.

Then, the eleventh visitor arrived and also asked for a blessing for children. You’d imagine that it would either be fulfilling the mitzvah of shiluach ha’ken or havdalah over wine. Rav Chaim said, “Are your beds situated between North to South or East to West?” 

Among the people that came to visit Rav Chaim that evening, five of them came for blessings and guidance about having children. To each of them, Rav Chaim gave another answer and piece of advice.

What are we to make of this all? Aside from Rav Chaim having had a special, G-d given insight to guide thousands of people, it is the fact that we all require different things. None of us are the exact same. And with all that, Hashem, who is our Father, knows exactly what we need and when we require it most.

We must trust in Him, and know that just as Rav Chaim gave different advice to different people, Hashem takes care of us, each in our own, unique way.

Adapted from the TorahAnyTimes newsletter, parashat Vayelech, 6 Tishrei, 5783; October 1, 2022. Compiled and edited by Elan Perchik.