Lessons From Rabbi Zvi Kogan And The Holtzbergs

I recall a powerful anecdote that highlights both hashgacha pratit and the profound kiddush Hashem that surrounds the tragic story of Israeli-Moldovan Rabbi Zvi Kogan, who was martyred al kiddush Hashem by terrorists in the UAE. Rabbi Zvi’s wife, a

In parshat Toldot, the Torah tells us that Yitzchak loved Eisav. Why? “Ki tzayid b’fiv”—because Eisav provided him with hunted game. At first glance

The Parashah of Vayeitzei (And [Yaakov] Departed) recounts Yaakov’s journey to Charan to find a wife among the daughters of Lavan, his mother

The parashah of Toldot (Genealogy) recounts the birth of twin sons—Yaakov and Eisav—to Yitzchak and Rivkah. As they grow up, Yaakov, the younger

Esav is described in great detail as an evil person. Someone who engages in idol worship and deceit, using his mouth to deceive his father into

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