Parashat Behar “On the Mountain” is mainly devoted to laws pertaining to the management of land and avadim (bonded servants—often misleadingly translated as “slaves”) in Eretz Yisrael, or, more precisely, the laws pertaining to the cycles of Shemitah and Yovel, and the redemption of land and bonded

In this week’s parshah (25:35), the p'suk says, "v’chei yimach achicha – if your brother becomes impoverished – umatah yodo imach – and he is in


The minhag of placing a headstone or marker on a grave is a significant custom. This practice begun with Yaakov Avinu himself, who

Every G-d-fearing Jew ponders the question, “What should I be davening for?” The powerful and deep query was once answered by the Maggid of Dubno

How NYC Is Taking Action To Shut Down Illegal Smoke And Cannabis Shops

When we came to office two years ago, we had a clear vision: protect public

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