Continued from last issue…

 A major portion of the Tanakh deals with prophecies. While most of the words of the Prophets were already realized in their own days, or in subsequent decades, there are occasional places in Scripture where the Prophets speak of the distant future, or the “End of Days”

In parshat Vayeira Avraham is recovering a heroic feat. By circumcising himself at the age of ninety-nine, our forefather did something exceedingly

I. Introduction

The Bukharian Jewish community has long been known for its strong adherence to traditional customs and practices. Within the rich

Kristallnacht occurred on November 9, 1938. Although the word Kristallnacht has been translated as the “Night of Broken Glass,” much more occurred

New York City is not often associated with the kind of drought we see in other areas of the country, but this fall has been a stunning exception

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