In parshat Toldot, the Torah tells us that Yitzchak loved Eisav. Why? “Ki tzayid b’fiv”—because Eisav provided him with hunted game. At first glance, this seems puzzling. How could Yitzchak’s love for Eisav be rooted in something as material as food? Surely, Yitzchak—an oleh temimah who was nearly
The parashah of Toldot (Genealogy) recounts the birth of twin sons—Yaakov and Eisav—to Yitzchak and Rivkah. As they grow up, Yaakov, the younger
Raising Children, Literally
Esav is described in great detail as an evil person. Someone who engages in idol worship and deceit, using his mouth to deceive his father into
Don’t Wait, Shred Belly Fat Now
Many people start their fitness journey with a simple Google search: How do I lose belly fat? This question is one of the most searched queries of
The Parashah of Vayeitzei (And [Yaakov] Departed) recounts Yaakov’s journey to Charan to find a wife among the daughters of Lavan, his mother
Dream Big and Take Action
In parshat Vayeitzei, amidst Yaakov Avinu’s travels, the sun set prematurely, and Yaakov lay down to sleep. During the night, he had a powerful and
Prophecy: Have The Torah’s Predictions Been Realized? Part III
Continued from last issue…
A major portion of the Tanakh deals with prophecies. While most of the words of the Prophets were already realized in