In this week's parshah, the Jewish people finally leave Mitzrayim. They were poised to head straight to Eretz Yisrael, but Hashem did not allow them to take the easy, direct route. The pasuk tells us: v'lo nacham Elokim derech eretz Plishtim—Hashem did not lead the Jewish people along the shorter
The Power of Being First
It was Chol Hamoed Pesach, and between the calm of Mincha and the anticipation of Arvit, a young yeshivah bachur entered the bustling bet knesset
Lachmagine: Sephardic Mini Meat Pizzas
Recipe by Leah Hamaoui for
Here is another chance to fall in love with Sephardic food! Today, I’m excited to share a beloved classic
Yud Shevat: Honoring A Legacy; Lighting The World
This day marks two seminal events in modern Jewish history:
- The passing of the great Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak Schneerson (ZY"A)
Is Celsius Legit?
When people feel tired in the morning, most reach for a steaming cup of coffee. Actually, they grab one every morning, tired or not. But in high
Kaddish Overload:When Less Is More
I. Introduction
There are four distinct types of Kaddish prayers, each serving a specific purpose.
Getting 20,000 Illegal Guns Off Our Streets For A Safer City
From the moment I was sworn in as your mayor three years ago, our primary mission has been to create safer streets, safer subways, and a safer city