In parshat Vayeira, we learn that Sarah, Avraham’s wife, was taken to the home of King Avimelech. We also learn that on that same night, King Avimelech’s entire royal court fell ill with severe urinary retention. Also on that same night, G-d appeared to King Avimelech in a dream, saying (Bereishit

In our times, we witness the immense efforts that the yetzer hara, evil inclination, dedicates to waging war against bnei Torah, yeshivah students

In parshat Vayeira Avraham is recovering a heroic feat. By circumcising himself at the age of ninety-nine, our forefather did something exceedingly

Every decade brings exciting new developments in the world of fitness. However, along with these advancements there are many scams that pop up

I. Introduction

The Bukharian Jewish community has long been known for its strong adherence to traditional customs and practices. Within the rich

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