In Parshat Shemot, the midwives, Yocheved and her daughter Miriam, displayed extraordinary courage and faith. Commanded by Pharaoh to kill all Jewish male newborns, they risked their lives by disobeying his tyrannical orders. Their awe of G-d surpassed their fear of Pharaoh, and they were rewarded for their righteousness.
The Torah states, “And G-d made houses for them” (Shemot 1:21). What does this mean? According to our tradition, G-d granted these women eternal dynasties. Yocheved’s son Aharon became Israel’s first Kohen Gadol and the forefather of the Kohanim, while Miriam’s legacy included her son Moshe, who led the Jewish people out of Egypt. Moshe’s descendants in the male line became Levi’im.
The Talmud further teaches that Miriam was an ancestor of King David, establishing a connection between her actions and the Davidic dynasty, which continues to hold a central place in Jewish heritage.
Moshe’s Confrontation With Pharaoh
The parashah concludes with Moshe, at G-d’s command, confronting Pharaoh to demand the release of the Jewish people so they could serve the Almighty in the desert. Pharaoh’s response was to increase the suffering of the Hebrew slaves, imposing even greater burdens upon them.
Distraught, Moshe turned to G-d, expressing his anguish that his efforts had seemingly caused more harm than good. G-d reassured Moshe with these words: “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh, for with a mighty hand he will send them out, and with a mighty hand he will drive them out of his land” (Shemot 6:1).
This pivotal moment set the stage for the miraculous redemption of the Jewish people, demonstrating that G-d’s justice and deliverance often emerge from the darkest of trials.
About Rav Yitzchok Zilber
Rav Yitzchok Zilber zt"k (1917–2004) was a pioneering figure in Jewish education, particularly among Jews from the former Soviet Union. He founded Toldot Yeshurun, an organization dedicated to connecting Jews with their heritage. His life was a testament to faith and resilience, as he maintained his religious observance under the harshest conditions and inspired countless others to do the same.
Copyright © 2023 by The LaMaalot Foundation. Talks on the Torah, by Rabbi Yitzchok Zilber, is catalogued at The Library of Congress. All rights reserved. Printed in China by Best Win Printing, Shenzhen, China.
Parshat Shemot: The Legacy of the Midwives
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