The juxtaposition of Yithro and Mishpatim comes to tell us that this great gift of the Torah was given to the Jewish people on condition that we keep the laws. Keeping the laws requires a combination of the people being law-abiding citizens and judges who judge wisely and fairly.

Rabbnu Bahya

Shemoth 14:15-16

Why are you crying out to me, speak to the Children of Israel and they will travel. And you shall lift up your staff and stretch

And G-d said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, Take your rod, and stretch out your hand on the waters of Egypt, on their streams, on their rivers, and on their

We see that the name of Yaakov Avinu, even though the angel told him, “Your name will not Ya’aqob anymore, but Yisrael,” in fact, is interchangeable

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