Q: Rabbi what going on...1st off, I think what you’re doing is really cool. Don’t know that many Rabbis who are into fitness & Torah. So I’m in high school & would like to strength training with weights but my Mom tells me that she doesn’t allow me because, “It will stunt my growth.” Is
The Bracha for Stuffed Chicken, Stuffed Artichoke and Stuffed Avocado
If a person eats chicken which is prepared with stuffing – such as rice – how many Brachot does he recite? Must he recite two separate Brachot –
Brachot When Having Coffee and Cake
If a person is eating a piece of cake with a cup of coffee, he recites two separate Brachot – “Mezonot” on the cake, and “She’hakol” on the coffee
Rabbi Israel Itshakov: On Those Who Heal The Soul
The appearance, authority, prestige and popularity of any cultural and religious center, including Beth Gavriel, to a large extent depends on the
Leaving Bread on the Table for Birkat Ha’mazon
The Shulchan Aruch writes that if a person does not leave some bread from his meal on the table during Birkat Ha’mazon, he will not enjoy blessing
Eating Dessert After Birkat Ha’mazon on Shabbat to Add Brachot
There is a requirement to recite one hundred Brachot each day. On Shabbat, this requirement poses somewhat of a challenge, due to the fact that the
Meet Fernando Cabrera – The Democratic NYC Councilman Who’s Taking On AOC
While Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez traipses around the country with her ideological mentor Bernie Sanders, lines are forming around the block with