The Shulchan Aruch protests against the practice of some people to pour hot water heated before Shabbat on hot foods on Shabbat to prevent them from drying up. His ruling is based on Rabbenu Yonah. Rabbenu Yonah gave two reasons for this prohibition. First, the water or the food may have cooled
Must One Recite Two Brachot When He Eats a Cracker With a Topping?
Very often at events, crackers with a topping such as fish, tomato, or anchovies is served. If one eats a cracker with a topping, must he recite two
The Price Of Jewish Happiness?!
Dear friends!
At the suggestion of the young people of our community, a pilot edition of the book The Price of Jewish Happiness?! (New York, 2020
Dark Continent Now The Coveted Continent
Lots of businesspeople and tourists traveling to Africa are baffled. “Where am I?” they’re wondering. “Did I get aboard the wrong plane?” Locals
The Order of Precedence When Eating Several Different Types of Food
The Shulchan Aruch presents the guidelines regarding the proper sequence to follow when one eats foods of different types, that require different
How Much Do You Need For Family Happiness?!
The question, of course, is rhetorical, because, as they say, happiness is not about money. Although right there with humor it is added: it’s about
Is One Allowed To Talk After Reciting Baruch She’amar?
The Shulhan Aruch writes that it is forbidden to make any verbal interruptions during the prayer service, from Baruch She’amar – at the beginning of