In our previous article, we spoke about how we have more Emunah than we think we do. There is an idea connected to this that is equally important. Sometimes a person can have so much Faith in Hashem yet have such little Faith in himself. He may find himself very worried if he will be successful in
They Are Cheering You On
The secret is out of the bag; we are not perfect people. When we slip up and commit small transgressions, aveirot, we often fall victim to chalking
Kissing The Tefillin When Putting Them On And Taking Them Off
The Shulchan Aruch records the practice of the "Chachamim" to kiss the Tefillin as a sign of affection for the Mitzvah when one puts them on and when
Speaking, Answering “Amen” and Gesturing While Putting On Tefillin
Halacha clearly forbids speaking after reciting the Beracha over Tefillin Shel Yad, until one has completed placing the Tefillin Shel Rosh on his
The Five Stages Of Faith
We are each individuals, embarking on a quest for internal and objective truth. If we are to genuinely embrace this journey, we must be willing to
Feeding A Child Before Shacharit Or Before Kiddush; Feeding A Child Dairy After He Ate Meat
The obligation of Chinuch (education) requires a parent to intervene if his or her child eats non-kosher food, and to stop the child from eating the
May A Person Receive Two Aliyot In A Single Torah Reading?
A synagogue was selling Aliyot before the Torah reading on Yom Tov, and two people mistakenly purchased Aliyot for the same person. There was a Rabbi