The Gemara in Masechet Shabbat (18a) addresses the case of a water-operated mill that one sets into motion before Shabbat so that it will operate and grind wheat throughout Shabbat. Bet Hillel permitted such an arrangement, since all the activity is performed before Shabbat. The mechanism operates

The Rambam in Hilchot Dei'ot elaborates on the evil nature of anger and the need to distance oneself from this emotion to the farthest extent

The sweeping nationwide “Defund the Police” movement hit the streets of New York City over the last couple of weeks and has left many confused and

Imagine you wake up in a hospital bed with amnesia, and you haven’t the foggiest clue who you are. You try to recall your most recent memory and how

Over the millennia, people have lived and died for it, married and betrayed for it. They’ve even killed for it. Yet now, when so many are suffering

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