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Core Values

By Joe Apfelbaum, CEO, Ajax Union

  1. What is your definition of success?
  2. Success is setting a goal and achieving that goal. Fulfillment is enjoying life and feeling good about yourself and what you are doing. Success without any joy or fulfillment is the ultimate failure.
  3. You broke it down into two; success & fulfillment, and then you put them back together with fulfillment as a prerequisite for success. Cool! What type of people do you consider successful?
  4. People who do what they say they will do and hit each goal they set.
  5. Who is the person you respect most in life? What are their core values?
  6. I respect my mother, her value is hard work.
  7. I’ve read numerous posts about her boutique store on the lower east side of Manhattan, which eventually folded, and how you respected your mom. Tell us more.
  8. I talk about it all the time, there is not much more to say. She had a store and went out of business :)
  9. Which three types of people or groups in the world do you dislike the most and why?
  10. People who gossip, who abuse and who are negative.
  11. What do you consider the top dozen qualities of the ideal person?
  12. Hard working, Common Sense, Growth Mindset, Curiosity, Joyful Living, Always Learning, Listening, Patience, Exploration, Spiritual Minded, Healthy, Creative, Kind
  13. Can you reduce it down to the half-dozen most important to you?
  14. Hard Working, Growth Mindset, Curious, Kind, Creative
  15. Now which are your top three?
  16. Curious, Creative, Kind
  17. It’s great to be so self-aware. How old were you when you made these discoveries, and are these three also the core values of Ajax Union and Evrgreen? A. Most of my growth happened over the past 15 years.
  18. In conclusion, please surprise us with something about yourself that most people don’t know!
  19. My first language is Spanish and I love doing accents.

Yes, and we love watching you do them!



Company Culture

Toxic Employees: How To Identify And What To Do About Them

By Zev Freundlich, CEO, TeamCorp

Toxic employees can have a negative impact on the morale and productivity of their coworkers. They can dampen the mood, spread negativity, and even drive away top talent. If you have a toxic employee in your organization, it is important to address the issue promptly.

Here’s a two-step approach to dealing with toxic employees.

The first step is to have a frank conversation with the employee about their behavior and how it is affecting the company.

If the employee's behavior does not improve, the second step is to issue a verbal warning. If the employee's behavior still does not improve, the employee should be terminated.

It's important to be specific when discussing the employee's behavior. The goal is to focus on the behaviors that are in conflict with the company's core values, rather than attacking the employee's character.


Introduction to Psychological Safety

By Dave Linn, “The Gratitude Dude”

Google conducted a study to determine the most important factor in team success. After several years of research, they found that psychological safety was the single greatest driver of team success and company innovation.

Psychological safety is defined as the level to which team members feel comfortable to be vulnerable and take risks. When team members feel psychologically safe, they are more likely to share their ideas, ask questions, and take risks. This can lead to greater innovation and productivity.

Teams with high levels of psychological safety are less likely to leave the company, and more likely to harness the power of diverse ideas, be rated as effective by their executive teams, and produce more revenue. On the other hand, teams with low levels of psychological safety are more likely to experience decreased effort, decreased time spent at work, declined performance, decreased commitment to the company, and taking out frustrations on customers.

To create a more psychologically safe team environment, you need to begin by creating a culture of trust and respect, encouraging open communication, providing positive feedback, and accepting mistakes.


Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Understanding Self Regard

By Dave Linn, “The Gratitude Dude”

EQ is the ability to interact effectively with other human beings. It includes self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.

A study by the Center for Creative Leadership found that IQ only contributes 4-10% toward a leader's success while EQ contributes as much as 85-90%.

EQ is broken down into three areas:

What you believe about yourself and about others

What you know about yourself and about others

What you do; how you behave with yourself and with others

A full analysis of an individual's EQ includes 30 different dimensions.

EQ can be improved. It is not a fixed trait, but something that you can get better at. It takes time and effort, but you can substantially increase your EQ if you have the will to do so. By following these tips, you can improve your EQ and become a more effective leader.

Conclusion: By following the professional guidance in this article on leadership, business leaders can BS”D better identify their core values, improve their company culture, establish psychological safety & learn emotional intelligence (EQ)!

Are you looking for a consultant, coach, mentor, or course? Learn from our vetted heimishe business experts by visiting our website! https://jsuccess.net. Compiled by Isaac Portugal, Staff Writer, JSuccess, and prepared for print by Zevy Lamm, JSuccess. For questions and comments, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..