HaGaon HaRav Ahron Walkin Zt”l

Empathy: The Essence of a Jew

 In the Parashot of Shemot, Va’eira, Bo, and Beshalach, we read about golut Mitzrayim and the miracles of yetziat Mitzrayim. There is so much that we read and learn from Midrashim and Meforshim. What was the point, why did we need to be

With so much attention still focused on the pandemic and unemployment, lockdowns and quarantines still making headlines, it’s easy to miss that

As we start Sefer Shemot, we revisit the epic history of our ancestors in the Egyptian Exile. The question begs, “Why do we need to read about this

There were once two boys who went ice-skating on a frozen lake in their neighborhood. As they were enjoying themselves, the ice suddenly cracked, and

And Moshe returned to Hashem and said, Hashem, why have You done evil to this people? Why have You sent me?”  — Shemot 5:22

 Hashem sent Moshe

We just entered the secular New Year hoping to put aside the struggles of 2020 and prepare for the joys of 2021. Each year on the night of December

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