Pedro Frisneda was a respected journalist and communications professional at City Hall who worked directly with our publications as the Associate Director of Outreach at the NYC Mayor's Office of Ethnic and Community Media where he focused on physical and mental health initiatives. His passing was

In this week’s parshah (19:18) we are commanded, “V’ahavta l’rei’acha kamocha, you shall love your neighbor like yourself.”

Firstly, why does the

Israel’s Independence Day, Yom Ha’atzmaut, is a day when the entire country has off from work. In the religious community, this day is used as a time

“I’m just asking questions,” has become the motto of today’s “alternative facts” or “controversial takes” pundit. While it is always a noble

Parshat Emor begins with a warning to the kohanim to avoid tumah, impurity, “Emor el hakohanim, say to the kohanim…" Rashi comments that the kohanim

Dear Editor,

We hear questions about President Biden's sharpness and his sometimes bumbling during speeches or press conferences.

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