Wealth, Financial Wellness, and Fitness & Health

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Running a business is more than just dollars and cents. To be successful, a business leader must have a healthy attitude regarding Wealth and how they relate to money, have an awareness of and work on improving their Financial Wellness, and be mindful of their Fitness & Health. In this article, JSuccess Experts share their expertise on these topics.



How Wealth Is Made?

By Chany G. Rosengarten, Wealth Coach

Very little separates the rich and those who desire to be rich. Yes. Very little. Only a few extra zeroes in the bank account. And maybe some puffy wads in the wallet.

Here is the truth. The real difference between those who are wealthy and those who are not is our thoughts, our way of being. We really can cash in our thoughts at the bank.

The wealthy individual is open.

Open to opportunity.

Open to new ways of thinking.

Open to the experience of wealth.

Open to the desires in his heart.

And while this may seem so simplistic, being wealthy is a challenging practice.

Let’s talk about embodying wealth. Here’s a simple question for you. Think about something you really, really want. Let’s say it’s an extra $200,000 in the bank.

Now, imagine someone comes over to you, hands you a check, and says, “Here. You wanted $200,000, didn’t you? Take it.”

What would be your response? How do you feel?

What comes up that tells you this can’t possibly be true. What does he want from me? What am I going to do with this?

Notice what comes up. Isn’t it interesting?

It turns out that if wealth would become a reality, we’d be confronted with all our thoughts and attitudes that want to keep us small.

Those are your real blockages for wealth. We are not blocked because we missed an opportunity. There is always another opportunity around the corner.

By noticing what messages really keep us stuck, we can rewrite those messages. We are no longer victims of subconscious thinking that holds us back. Instead, we choose to think wealthy thoughts. We choose to open up to new opportunities, new ways of thinking, and new money to come in.


Fears Or Facts: What Drives Your Business Decisions?

By Simi Mandelbaum, Founder, PROSPR Financial Wellness

For Chaim Gold* business is good. So good in fact, that his secretary is overloaded and the hours he spends at the office are stretching further and further into the night.

His mantra used to be “Busyness is good business.” But lately, Chaim can’t even think about growing sales and next steps because there’s so much to do in the office.

The stress doesn’t help either. His secretary keeps saying, “We need another pair of hands.” But for some reason, Chaim can’t take that next step even though he knows it makes sense. Instead, he wrings his hands and worries. “I know I should hire but I just can’t. We need to be more profitable first. How do I know if it’s the right time? Should I hire a salesperson or an office support person? What if this is just a busy period and, in a month, things will slow down?”

We need to understand where Chaim’s worries stem. Are they factual concerns or fears? Perhaps it is both, and if so, which is leading the other?

Business decisions may appear to be logic-based, but that’s usually not the case!

In Chaim’s case, it’s possible that fear is overriding the logical next step - to hire - as his secretary has implored him. But maybe he’s right that the business can’t afford to sustain another salary right now.

What we really need to know: Is it the business or Chaim’s risk aversion that can’t afford the salary?

One night Chaim sat down and created his “Fears and Facts” sheet. He drew two columns on his iPad, wrote all his fears in one column and the corresponding facts in the other column.

He discovered that the business has steadily grown quarter over quarter, so it is unlikely for things to slow down anytime soon. He also confirmed his aversion to risk. While the business could handle another salary today, Chaim realized that if he had three months of salary in the bank, it would allow him to hire another employee without fear.

After all this introspection, nothing changed today, but everything is different. Chaim is building up his “salary fund” and he has a plan with a clear goal. He now looks forward to this next milestone in hiring and ultimately scaling his business.


How Prioritizing Your Health Raises Your Chances of Success

By Chaim Loeb, Founder, FitYid Academy

Have you ever wondered if prioritizing your health and fitness could support your overall success in life? Let's delve into the topic and bring clarity to the question. In short, the answer is a resounding yes. But why is that? Let's explore the reasons behind the strong connection between health, fitness and achieving success.

One crucial element in prioritizing your health and fitness is effective time management. By managing your time well and dedicating consistent effort, you can achieve positive outcomes not only in your physical well-being but also in other areas of your life.

Time management within the realm of health and fitness extends beyond personal gains. It also influences your personal relationships, spiritual connections, and business growth. By prioritizing your health, you cultivate physical and mental strength, which in turn positively impacts your interactions with others, your ability to maintain spiritual practices, and your professional endeavors. Health and fitness become a foundation for overall success.

So, does investing in your health and fitness contribute to success in other areas of life? The answer is undoubtedly yes.

Let's embrace the journey towards a healthier lifestyle, knowing that it not only benefits our bodies but also supports our aspirations for success in all areas of life. Start today, and witness how your dedication to health and fitness positively influences your path to achievement.


Conclusion: By following the professional guidance in this article, business leaders can attain a wealth mindset, improve their financial wellness, achieve fitness & health, and see their businesses grow and thrive bs”d!

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