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Selling: Are You Fishing In The Right Lake?

By David Hochberg, CEO, DH Group

If you are not fishing in the right lake, you will not be able to attract customers. It’s important to find the right market for your product or service.

Here are several tips for finding the right market:

  • Do your research. Before you launch your product or service, make sure there is a demand for it. You can do this by conducting market research, talking to potential customers, and analyzing your competition.
  • Target the right audience. Once you know there is a demand for your product or service, you need to target the right audience. This means understanding who your ideal customer is and where they hang out.
  • Use the right channels. There are many different channels you can use to reach your target audience. You need to choose the channels that your audience is most likely to use.
  • Be creative. Don’t be afraid to get creative when it comes to marketing your product or service. There are many ways to reach your target audience, so don’t be afraid to try new things.

If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to finding the right market for your product or service iy”H.

Marketing: 4 Ways To Find – And Fine Tune – Your Selling Points

By Yisroel H. Levovitz, CEO, Profound Business

There’s an important, yet simple, principle that differentiates those who succeed from those who struggle: Selling Points. Businesses that are crystal clear as to what their selling points are, tend to focus better on doing what is necessary to ensure that they become the best they can be at accentuating those selling points.

It boils down to four essential philosophies:

  1. What questions are your potential customers asking? What may be a simple tenet of your business to you may be news to them. Perceptively LISTEN to their questions and you will learn which selling points to focus on.
  2. What reactions are they giving to your info? Develop your selling points based on their “Aha,” “Oh,” “Interesting!” and “Really?!” responses and the like.
  3. Furthermore, body language and grunts are extremely telling. “Uh huh,” “Mhmm,” eye rolls, shoulder shrugging, arm crossing, eye contact, smiles, gleaming eyes and the like are a treasure trove of pointers, if you pay attention to them and read them correctly.
  4. Finally, selling points should be you offering solutions, not you proposing sales pitches. They should be the reasons for them needing you, not your way of letting them know you need them.

Put these four principles into practice and your potential clients will soon start having a much clearer grasp of what your business is, what it stands for, what it does, and which solutions it can offer them!


B2B Marketing: Unleashing The Power Of Social Media For Business Success

By Joe Apfelbaum, CEO Ajax Union

Social media can be used to generate referrals, stay top of mind with your audience, and reach a broader audience. Here’s how to craft an effective social media strategy.

  • To be successful on social media, you need to have a well-defined strategy.
  • You should create compelling messaging that resonates with your target audience.
  • You should track your progress and measure your results.
  • If you don’t have the time or expertise to manage your social media presence, you can hire a professional agency to help you.

Remember that social media is an essential part of business success in the digital age. Use it to your advantage!

Conclusion: By following the professional guidance in this article on selling, marketing & B2B marketing, your business can BS”D continue to thrive in these changing times!

Are you looking for a consultant, coach, mentor, or course? Learn from our vetted heimishe business experts by visiting our website! https://jsuccess.net. Compiled by: Isaac Portugal, Staff Writer, JSuccess, and prepared for print by Zevy Lamm, JSuccess. For questions and comments, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.