It Is a Full-Time War That You Can Win!

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The yeitzer ha’ra is always going to be here. No matter how many times you beat him, there will always be another battle ahead.

Your enemy will be standing against you for your entire life.

As the Mesilat Yesharim says, you are a soldier. Every Jew is a soldier, constantly fighting two wars – one in front of you and one behind. You are always surrounded.

The yeitzer ha’ra is always plotting, “How can I make this guy fall? How can I trick him?”

It tries to place their prey in a world of delusion by convincing them that life is about fame and money, and food and entertainment. It is always trying to get you.

The Mesilat Yesharim adds, the first step to beat the yeitzer ha’ra is to know that you are in the middle of a war. If you fail to recognize that you are amid battle, you are sure to suffer defeat. Therefore, understand you are in a conflict, and be certain of your enemy.

The pasuk in Parshas Korach states, “Vayikach Korach,” Korach was taken, allowing himself to be taken away from his inner self by being pulled to argue with Moshe Rabbeinu. Such a circumstance could happen to anyone on some level anytime. The yeitzer ha’ra always wants to pull away your heart towards the wrong path in a direction where you should not head.

We recite every day, “Lo tatutur acharei levavchem,” Don’t go after that part of your heart. Be aware that you are in the middle of war.

Our life is about working and accomplishing, not relaxing. If one believes they exist to rest, they will be laden with difficulties. Instead, we use our time to build and accomplish. Every time you overcome the yeitzer ha’ra and stand up to sinning you have won a battle. Sometimes this may be control of your eyes, or simply adhering to the halachot of Shabbat.

Never forget, we are in a full-time war until our last day. Being aware that the yeitzer ha’ra never gives up is our first step to defeating its evil.

Rabbi Yaakov Rahimi has created a storm in the Jewish world bringing back many unaffiliated young men and women to the pathways of Hashem. He has been involved in the Chazaq and Torah Anytime organizations, among others including NCSY, BJX, and Partners in Torah. He has since returned to his hometown of Lakewood, N.J. Rabbi Rahimi is a graduate of Deal Yeshiva, and learned in Beth Medrash Govoha becoming a very close talmid of Rabbis Yeruchem Olshin shlit”a, and Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlit”a. Rabbi Rahimi partook in the Sephardic halachic project Mishnah Berurah Tiferet. He can be reached at, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.