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Wealth Mindset: Healing Our Relationship With Money

By Chany G. Rosengarten

Wealth Coach, & JSuccess Expert

It’s important to know our desires and have the courage to admit them. Our desires are powerful and can become our reality if we take them seriously.

Here are steps to follow so we can achieve, acquire and experience our desires in our life:

  • Creating a desires list is an important step in achieving our goals because it helps us focus our attention and energy on what we really want.
  • When we are specific about our desires, we are more likely to achieve them.
  • It is important to trust ourselves and believe that we can achieve our desires.

Here a few questions to help us reflect on our own desires:

  • What are some desires you have been afraid to admit to yourself?
  • How can you trust yourself more with the things you want?
  • What would it feel like if the things you want already happened?

Take some time to reflect on your desires and to start living the life you are worthy of!


Financial Wellness: Fears Or Facts – What Drives Your Business Decisions?

By Simi Mandelbaum

CEO of PROSPR Financial Wellness, & JSuccess Expert

Money Beliefs are ideas, thoughts, and opinions that impact our money behavior. They come from our childhood experiences, ethnicity, personality, culture, religion, and social environment. We understand the world through these beliefs, and we believe in them so strongly that we think they are the objective truth.

Here’s an example: Two business partners are in disagreement about how to handle a financial situation. Partner 1 believes that they should cut overhead, while Partner 2 believes that they should increase advertising. Their disagreement is rooted in their different Money Beliefs.

Partner 1 was raised in a family with two employed parents who taught them the importance of saving money. Partner 2, on the other hand, was raised in an entrepreneurial home where money was seen as a tool for growth.

The two partners need to understand that their immediate reactions to the financial situation are being guided by their Money Beliefs. Once they understand this, they can start to communicate and listen to each other in a non-judgmental way. This will allow them to make a financial decision that both partners believe is the best for the business.

It is important to be aware of our Money Beliefs and how they impact our decisions. By understanding our Money Beliefs, we can make more informed decisions that are in line with our values.


Fitness & Health: It’s Time To Level Up For Your Health

By Chaim Loeb

Fit Yid Academy, Owner, & JSuccess Expert

Taking care of your health is an essential part of a business leader’s daily routine, and three key components are nutrition, fitness, and mindset. To level up your health and energy, it’s important incorporate these components into your daily life.

  • Firstly, it’s crucial to drink 16-24 oz of water first thing in the morning to start your day hydrated and energized. Proper hydration has numerous health benefits, including aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, and boosting your metabolism.
  • Secondly, both cardio and resistance training are important for maintaining a healthy body. Cardiovascular exercises such as brisk walks, jogging, cycling, swimming, and basketball, to name a few, help to improve your heart health, while resistance-training builds muscle, increases bone density, strengthens our bodies, and builds a strong metabolism.
  • Lastly, developing self-trust in the process of prioritizing your health is vital. By building self-trust, you gain confidence, resilience, and the ability to persist through challenges.

By incorporating these three components into your daily life, you will level up your health and energy. It’s essential to make intentional efforts to prioritize your health, and with consistency and determination, you can achieve your goals.


Healing & EFT: Introduction To EFT

By Hendy Mandel

EFT Coach, & JSuccess Expert

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a powerful tool that can help you to overcome limiting beliefs, fears, and other obstacles that are holding you back in your business. EFT works by tapping on specific acupressure points while you focus on the issue that you are trying to resolve. This helps to release the emotional charge that is associated with the issue, allowing you to see it from a new perspective and make positive changes.

EFT can be used to address a wide range of issues, including:

  • Fears and anxiety
  • Self-limiting beliefs
  • Emotional pain
  • Physical pain
  • Stress
  • Performance anxiety
  • Procrastination
  • Creative blocks


EFT is a simple and easy-to-learn technique that you can do on your own. However, if you are new to EFT, it is a good idea to work with a trained practitioner who can help you to get started.

EFT can be used to help business owners who are feeling stuck or blocked. It can help to release the emotional charge that is associated with limiting beliefs and fears, allowing business owners to make more confident and empowered decisions. EFT is a powerful tool that can help you to overcome your challenges and achieve your goals.

Conclusion: By following the health & wealth guidance in this article on wealth mindset, financial wellness, fitness, and healing & EFT, you can BS”D continue to grow and thrive personally & professionally!

Are you looking for a consultant, coach, mentor, or course? Learn from our vetted heimishe business experts by visiting our website! https://jsuccess.net.  Compiled by: Isaac Portugal, Staff Writer, JSuccess, and prepared for print by Zevy Lamm, JSuccess. For questions and comments, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.