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Rachel Imenu Mitpalelet BaShamayim

Dear Editor,

“Mama Rachel cries out in prayer from the heavens,” was how one yid in Eretz Yisrael describes the imagery from video footage he captured over Kever Rochel as her yahrtzeit was remembered by Jews worldwide. An unusual vertical cloud formed in the area of klal Yisrael’s mother’s final resting place that appears like that of a person immersed in prayer.



Dear Editor,

My mother-in-law was telling me a detailed thought about Gaza - the history from Tanach. It seems that it is the area of Plishtim (Palestine?!) and Avimelech Melech Grar (in this past parshah - Vayeira). It also seems that they are not true Canaanim, so the prohibitions of Lo sechayeh kol neshamah was not on them, and so they were still around by Dovid Hamelech.

Another interesting point is that it seems that that is where Avraham dug the b’eirot, and Yitzchak reopened them after they were stuffed (also this week’s parshah). Might that have any connection with the terror tunnels dug there?! Food for thought.



Dear Editor, 

Recently, Israel 365 News reported that at a large gathering in Jerusalem, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of Tzfat and son of is the son of Israel’s former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, said that a leading Italian parliamentarian had told his son, Amichai Eliyahu, the current Minister of Tradition, that Rome has possession of vessels of the Jewish Temple, and would like to return them to Israel. The Italian said he feels it is important for them to do so, as Italy is being overrun by other nationalities (as is the case in various European countries – including France and Germany.)

Now, it is self-understood that if these vessels were to be returned, it would be very challenging as to how they should be handled. Still, even to see a picture of any of them would be very nice. How exactly we would be able to authenticate them, I don’t know, but it would be interesting.

There is a story in All for the Boss that a yid in Israel contacted Rav Yaakov Yosef Herman for help when an Arab farmer found an indentation in his field, and found that it was the entrance to a small cave. Inside he had found what seemed to be vessels of the Beit Hamikdash. Rav Herman sent a certified letter to the Chofetz Chaim, with details about the items and their geographic location, and, after deliberation and consultation with seforim, the Chofetz Chaim determined that they are actual vessels, and, that the entrance to the cave should be sealed with cement, and the location kept secret.

On a similar note, Rav Zev Smith, talmid of Rav Pam related a story about a Jew who had permission to enter the Vatican storehouses in order to reproduce old seforim. Once, during the summer, the curator explained to the gentleman a peculiar observation: Every summer, the vessels of the Beit Hamikdash develop moisture as if they were crying.

It is also said that a Jew who had been in the forest with the Partisans during the Holocaust, was walking through what used to be a frum shtetl, after the war. He saw goyim using a pot (that only Jews had used) to cook treif, and he was certain the pot was crying!

The Italian parliamentarian continued to expound about how Israel is a miracle. They have succeeded in educating their people in love, trust and family values, saying, “Your nation has been chosen by G-d to teach the world values,” adding, “We have in Rome the Golden Menorah and many other Temple vessels that we took from Jerusalem 2000 years ago. With these vessels you brought light to the entire world. They are with us. By keeping them, we are perhaps preventing you from fulfilling your destiny.”

The commentaries say, in the course of explaining Haman’s error in his calculating the seventy years, (as the Navi had said the galut would be seventy years, and he claimed it was up, and the Jewish people are forsaken), that there was a calculation both on the people and on the vessels. Those vessels that had gone into galut earlier, were sent back earlier. 

Is there a special reason why we are receiving this revelation now?  

May we see the time when they are returned and put to real use soon!

P.S. The seforim say how the menorah represents Torah, and that the ner maaravi – the westernmost candle on the menorah, had a special miracle that for many years in the Beit Hamikdash it burnt like a miracle – just as on Chanukah. The reason is said to be because that candle is closest to the Aron.



IDF Requests: Pray For Us!

Dear Editor, 

A friend sent me: BREAKING NEWS! For the very first time, the IDF has posted on social media, “PRAY FOR US!” 

‘You know what that means..!’ he added. 

I responded to him: My father once told a story about an Israeli government official flying on an ELAL plane, and sitting next to him was frum Jew. 

Upon getting close to the airport in Israel, the pilot announced that they were having an issue with the landing gear, and that they were working on it. The Jew sitting next to the official began saying T’hilim. However, the official remained calm – saying to him, “What are you concerned about, they’re professionals (most ELAL pilots are veterans of the IAF), and they have a protocol on how to deal with these things,” and he continued reading his newspaper. 

As the plane was touching down, there was a loud bang! The official grabbed his hand and yelled, “chaver, titpalel!” “Friend, pray!”

This brings to mind a shiur form Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen of Lakewood. He said that his grandfather, Rav Avigdor MiIler would often bring up a Chazal (Sanhedrin 44b), Rav Elazar said, based on a pasuk in Iyov, as we learn from Avraham, that one should daven before a problem arises than after since then a person would require z’chutim for an annulment. Moreover, one should thank Hashem for all good in life.

Rav Miller once peered into a pharmacy window and when asked to explain himself responded that he was reading a medication display, “I am reading each one and thanking Hashem for the ailments that I do not have!”

Similarly, one Friday night, another grandson, Rav Yisroel Brog, was walking the rav. Ahead of them, two couples, of a certain nationality, exited a car, visibly tipsy. One lady said to the other, “Watch your handbag, there are two Jews behind us.” Rav Miller said to his grandson, “Thank you Hashem for not creating us [crazy].”So we have much to be happy about.

Another amazing story of a great miracle during the October 7 pogrom has come forth. As has been stated, only the non-frum communities were attacked; two frum kibbutzim and a large yeshivah nearby, were miraculously spared. In one predominantly non-religious community, over the past six-months there was a family becoming shomer Shabbat. Since no one nearby was frum, they would go to a family in the north for Shabbatot. They had also gone for the first days of Sukkot, but for the Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah, since the wife was due soon, they were not up to traveling. Instead, they invited another up-and-coming frum family to their house for Yom Tov.  

The wife related that when the attack began, she heard the shooting, and when she peeked out of her window, she realized what was going on. All they could do was go to the middle rooms and keep quiet. Astonishingly, the terrorists entirely skipped their home! Later, details emerged. The terrorists had detailed marks on maps, which were found by Israeli soldiers on the person of neutralized terrorists. These maps had been drawn by Gazans who worked there on a steady basis, as many had passed to enter Israel to work, each day. The terrorists had every address marked out, however, by their house it said “Not home for Shabbos and Yom Tov!!” Obviously, a worker had seen a pattern for the past half a year! 

We can say the terrorists wanted to save bullets. My great uncle, Rav Chaim Kaufman of Gateshead, related that two Arab Bedouins would go around together. One day, one of them noticed that his friend had a belt-pouch with a bulge. He thought, “It is certainly money. From where it is, I don’t know for sure, but how can he not share some with me?!” It was burning in him so much, that one night he decided that he had enough. He grabbed his gun and blew off  his friend’s head while he slept, then grabbed the pouch revealing an onion. The next day, he said to another friend, “What a shame; the bullet costs a shekel, but the onion is worth only half a shekel.” This is what we are dealing with! Hashem yerachem!

We are not saying this about most Arabs. More than 50% of Gazans are under 18-years-old. This being the reality, they did not vote Hamas into power! Also, even those who did, only followed through because they are hypnotized by the group (and perhaps threatened). Hamas is their food source, so they see this sustainability as good. Meanwhile, the majority of benefits that Hamas receives from various countries are converted into the terror machine, while giving out the bare minimum to their constituents.

It has been reported that China has sent in a fleet of naval ships to the region. I am reminded that in times of Chanukah, the Yevanim (Greeks) were joined by 80,000 infantry – the best, most highly trained units of soldiers from around the world! Each country sent their best soldiers to fight the Jews, yet they were all demolished by just twelve Chashmonaim who were assisted by Moshe Rabbenu, per Rav Shlomo Brevda, quoting a medrash.

Before Mashiach’s arrival, all the nations will come up to fight in Yerushalayim. So, maybe, this is what we are seeing. It is just mind-boggling that one small parcel of land, and an even smaller snippet of Gaza has all the countries of the world riled up! And all because of one group of insane people who don’t care about themselves – or their own people, and brazenly and immaturely market themselves to the world as refugees. They feel they have nothing to lose to lie and smooth-talk, and sadly, all too many fall for it. 

Of course, we know it’s not simple, because it is possible that Israel might have been able to prevent the attacks as there had been many warnings for weeks, and the country failed to reinforce IDF presence. It took a full seven hours for soldiers to show up to the south en-masse. Israel claims their computers were down, and so they couldn’t see the cameras and vibration sensors that line the entire fence. This makes no sense, but even if true, it is still nonsense, as outposts reported it numerous times, and there are many other proofs. Now, why they allowed it, is a good question. Perhaps to have war – to be like Eisav, and/or because war includes much money – for countries, investors and banks, and/or perhaps since Prime Minister Netanyahu wasn’t doing well before, he could now be portrayed as a hero. (Though, there have been calls for him to step down even now, during the war!) Either way, Israel bears an extent of blame, and the miracles are amazing.