Last month, New York City hit an economic milestone, with more total jobs than ever before in our city’s history. Our administration is proud of the work we have done to ensure our economy has made a full recovery — and we are determined to keep working to create jobs and opportunity for all New

The Rambam (Hil. Taanit 1:1-3) writes:

“It is a positive commandment from the Torah to cry out and blow trumpets over any calamity that befalls the

 First thanks to those of you who have reached out. This is not an easy letter to compose. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to share with you my

Here’s how you can get involved.

We all love New York City. And this year, New Yorkers have been showing their love by lending a helping hand as

Hashem says that there is a reason why you are in a specific situation going through an ordeal. There is a good reason why you are experiencing a

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